Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Vacation Time! Thoughts On Nova Scotia

The season of summer is a time for relaxation and breaks from a busy lifestyle occupying most of spring, fall, and winter. In saying that, I'd thought I'd take a break from writing about sports, and write about a 12 day vacation I took in the beautiful province of Nova Scotia. I did all the touristy stuff that anyone might do, like eating fresh seafood, walking the coastline, and seeing ships, but the two main things that stood out to me were the ocean and the friendly people of the East Coast. Whether its looking at the waves crashing on the seawall, or daring to swim in the icy waters, the sea is quite mesmerising, and in a way, it's like a natural spa. On a day where almost nobody is on a particular beach, all you can hear is the wind, the gulls, and the waves rushing onto the beachfront. The sound of the waves clears your head, allowing time to move slower, and it gives a chance to appreciate the stunning scenery that is all around you, such as beaches, cliffs, and wildlife. This experience is truly like no other.

Moving on from the ocean, the people of the East Coast were a real treat. They didn't know me by name, but they always found away to greet me with open arms and say hello. Unlike my home province of Ontario, where the people might give bland greetings or could not care less who you are, Nova Scotians give a sense of belongingness to tourists. They have this wonderful ability to connect with random tourists such as myself and get a conversation going. I wish I could explain more in writing, but seeing these people is an experience that you need to take in yourself. Once you do, you will leave happier and with no regrets.

So when and if you get the chance, take advantage of the treasure that is Nova Scotia. It's simply another great piece of Canada that everyone needs to visit in their lifetime.

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